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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Plus Corporation - BAD COMPANY !

so today I go and buy 2 shiny new sticks of RAM !

Little did I know it was going to be incompatible with my Asus motherboard.

Confound it I thought ! blast and balderdash ! Whatever shall I do ....

So i tried calling Plus Corporation the "Friendly IT company" i bought it from ....

Salesman: how may i help you?
Jon: I bought 2 sticks of Ram today from you guys, but upon installation it looks like theres a compatibility problem with my Asus motherboard, i'm not sure if you can help me, but any ideas what I can do?
Salesman: Oogidy Boogidy FIXED !
""Salesman hangs up""

Unfortunately his over the phone sorcery didnt work, and im down $166 and with two seemingly inoperable pieces of RAM

Does anyone have or know someone who has an Asus motherboard ? If so what RAM do you/they use ?

Also whos keen for firebombing Plus Corp ?

posted by Rammael @ 4:51 PM 


Blogger div said...

Hey jono
Do you know what model your motherboard is? The best thing to do is go to

They select your model and it will tell you what type of kingston memory will work with your mobo. Then phone up the computer stores and see if anyone sells it. This is the safest way. You might pay a bit more but kingston is a good quality brand and you know it will work.

9:07 PM  
Blogger div said...

ok that link didnt work. go here

then select search by model num

9:08 PM  

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