After a very long hiatus, Fridgetown is back! Once a abuse board for disgruntled year 12 barrenjoey High School Students, now a great way of keeping in contact with the gang.

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Monday, August 28, 2006

argh, assignments

helloooo everybody, i am at uni, its the end of the day, i have an assignment worth 30% due in less than an hour that i havent yet finished! ARGH, so, of course it seems logical that i should be wasting more time by reading and posting on messageboards, but i feel there may be some power in fridgetown to inspire me to write a brilliant essay... come on fridge power... yes, you're right, i'm a loony. bewig deinen arsch sara! anyway, catch u all later and someone else post something new on fridgetown....

posted by Sara @ 3:53 PM 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Sare, I know the feeling well, hope that fridgetown delivered the inspiration that you needed to get the essay written! I used to find that cleaning, say your room and/or the entire house, was also very good for procrastination and distraction!
If you ever need any research/literature related to child psychology, development, attachment theories etc, let me know I have heaps from work.
How did your friend's band go on Friday night? Probably wise that you and Louis didn't come on Saturday night, it was a pretty bizarre party, complete with 5 police cars in attendance and what seemed like hundreds of people! Being held in an unused warehouse, unfortunately there were no toilets either, and so the streets of Marrickville became like a scene in a Mumbai slum at day-break, with people wizzing- bums out- in alley ways everywhere... interesting! ; ) xx Mel

11:06 AM  
Blogger div said...

Hey Sara. how long you been in uni now?

9:15 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

been at u ni since march... am currently trying to do an assignment due in a couple hours, but its raining and i dont want to drive to uni

7:37 AM  

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