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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Flam - Norway

Flam has been one of the coolest towns I visited so far. Its located at the bottom of a Fjord.

We got the train from the top down to the valley.

The Flambana

Its a very scenic train ride into the Fjord. It travels nice and slow because of the steep hills so you have plenty of time to take it all in. At one point it stops at this waterfall. Check out all that water!!

Some nice shots in Flam.

Me and Bridge

Teags and I

An interesting hazard sign.


posted by div @ 11:32 PM 


Blogger Sara said...

Hahahahahahaha, I love the fart sign!

1:48 PM  
Blogger Fish said...

I personlly like "me and bridge"
Not the picture, but the title of it.
So descriptive

1:29 AM  

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