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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

State of Origin Netball this weekend

As I type Tom, myself and the other NSW Wizard Blues train for the weekends State of Origin match against the XXXX Queensland Maroons .... IN NETBALL !!!!

ps - lets see how many comments we can add here asking if I wear a skirt.

Anyway our coach picks us up early thursday morning, before we get the flight up to the Gold Coast and our hotel..... then its a few days "team bonding" with the thousands of netball girls before we play at Suncorp Stadium on sunday (games may or may not be played at Suncorp Stadium.

Lookout for terrible photos. I plan to break law after law on the dance floor.

Previous weekend was Good Fun !

Thursday night was a send off for a family friend at mona hotel, we all got pretty drunk.

Friday night I had a dinner and a movie with a lady friend out at Castle Hill Towers.... with a name like that I was expecting some Isengard/Minas Tirith'esque like structure. But no, it was lamer than the mall. We dined on some fine pizza at a restaurant where one of the big brother contestants used to waiter at.

If i wasn't part of the New South Wales Wizard Blues I'd have to use that as my claim to fame.

Afterwards we saw "My Super Ex Girlfriend" It was awesome, I wasn't expecting much which I guess is why it was so funny. Great date movie material.

Saturday night was CLUB TROPPO. It was my 16th Birthday, Mark's 26th Birthday, and Rick's 21st Birthday ... well acording to the DJ anyway. 'Nuff said.

Monday night I had dinner and a movie with a lady friend at Erina Fair.
I got nothing witty to say about that, and the movie (You, Me, and Dupree) was average at best.

Anyway, weekends almost here, Hey Matto ! lets met up in QLD hey ???

posted by Rammael @ 2:25 PM 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you wear a skirt ? yuk yuk

2:47 PM  
Blogger div said...

Good luck lads! dont forget to shave those sexy legs. rarr!

2:24 AM  

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