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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Norway - Geilo

Teags and I have arrived in Paris! But first some photos from earlier.

After Oslo in Norway the next stop was Geilo, a little ski resort town along the Oslo to Bergen Railway.

A typical shot of the town, a flowing river with a mountain in the back ground with its peak covered with a bit of snow (This was back in June at the start of summer).

At the sight of snow I went a little crazy and we decided to climb the mountain! As you can see it was very steep at some points. Go Teags!

And we made it to the top! Check out the pow.

A view from the top onto the town

A typical Scandinavian cottage (Notice the grass on the roof).

Some crazy locals. Check out our pad. We where ment to be staying in a dorm but the guy made a mistake and we were upgraded to our own cabin!

posted by div @ 11:32 PM 


Blogger div said...

ohh and check out glenno's bike OWWW

6:02 AM  
Blogger Sara said...

Noice photos dave. Has Tegan found a nannying job in France yet? Could that be why you are leaving your books with Tegan? Hope you guys are having a great time! A bientot!

5:37 PM  
Blogger div said...

Hey Hey Sara. Yeah teags lined up the Nanny work a lil while ago. She starts on the 15th of August with a family that lives in Chantilly.

8:24 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

so what are you going to do without tegan?

11:09 PM  
Blogger div said...

eat potatoes. I dunno its going to be tough!

4:57 AM  

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