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Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Hello people,
First of all Div ! got your latest postcard .... that is the most awesome castle I have seen .... they even have their own forest on the island for a bit of hunting wot wot. How ripping ! even if they are French.

Second of all ... how long has Sydney had a Zombie walk for !?!?!?!? that's amazing .... BUT i am tempted to get a bunch of lads together, make some fire brands and go down and burn them all, heathen monsters. I'd be worried if i was walking home drunk from nite before and i came across a Zombie march. Someone would end up dead pretty soon.

My weekend was one of many highs and lows .... Thursday night our Netball season kicked off again ... our team played Jeremy's (from Gold Coast adventure) and in a nail biting finish they beat us by 1 point !!!! so close. Later on that night i got to drunk and ended up waking up next to ... well .... not my ideal type of lady let's say :(

and i dont mean the male kind of lady you disgusting perverts.

Friday nite was ok, i went to Brookvale Oval and saw 2 random NSW teams fight each other ... the home team (are they called the Sea Budgies or something?) managed to pull together some sort of a win over the other team (the stupid silly stupid Puppy Dogs?), so i got into the action and got up and cheered on the winners like crazy while thinking I can't wait for the Broncos to crush both u teams just like theyve done 4 teams previous this year .... by the way heres a shot of me and some others at Telstra 2 weeks ago ...

Anyway later Friday night i had an offer to go to the Mean Fiddler for a massive night out ... but no ... i thought i was going to have a big one sat nite, so i went home early friday...

And then sat night sucked completely ... why, do u ask faithful readers ..... Becoz Jono DIDN"T HAVE A CAR !

When Jono doesnt have a car, everything shuts down... There were people in the city ... there were people at troppo .... there were people in manly ... there were even people in mona, at both the pub and a house party..... But by the time my vehicle did become available at around 11 it was all over

manly and troppo were curfewed out, city was to far away, i did make it to Mona tho' .... and they'ed left .... the house party people were to drunk/already picked up and were off radar .....

I was forced to invite my female friend round on a saturday night ! a friday nite can be bad enough, but a saturday !?!?!?! what an age we are living in ...

then Sunday things turned around when the Broncos kept another top8 NSW team scoreless !! BAM

On other notes ... SNAKES ON A PLANE is the best movie ever .... go see it... the moral of the movie is .... marijuana isn't welcome in the Mile High Club ...

and Dave !!!! there is an awesome new game to be released.... ParaWorld

think Age of Mythology mixed with Dino Riders, as soon as u get back we are having a Lan, and im going to blast your Triceratops ass back to the Mesozoic era...

Anyway my whippersnipper is ready to be picked up, i'm going to go butcher some helpless grass...

Jon 2 : Grass 0

posted by Rammael @ 12:56 PM 


Blogger Rammael said...

also check out my awesome cool MSN pic !!!!

chat to me on MSN to find out ...

1:25 PM  
Blogger div said...

Hey Jono. You should tell dylan about eh zombie walk. I recon he would like that. I know how he loves a bit of makup (special effects).

I realised its been a long time since I played a computer game... I need some total war action!

9:21 PM  
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