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Thursday, September 21, 2006

New place and (fingers crossed) job

I got the flat! It's really nice. The place has been recently renervated. So everything inside is brand new. Its been a busy week and I've been in full blast find a job mode. It's surprisingly hard to find a job in London. I've asked in heaps of different stores and it seems no one is recruiting. I was hoping to find any old job to pay the bills while I shopped around for a good IT job. But alas it seems almost easier to find work in IT.

I took an online test for a super market job which I passed and automatically made it to interview level (how strange), where I proceeded to book my interview time online. Anyways yesterday I received a phone call saying that I live to far for the job and should keep an eye open for positions closer to my home. The job was in the city maybe 40 mins away!!! They should be desperate for workers. It was just a check out chick job. I would have thought that if I wanted to spend 40 mins on the tube every day that was my choice.

Anyways I have an IT job interview tomorrow as a network admin doing 1st/2nd line support stuff. It sounds pretty cushy compared to what I was doing in Syd which will be a nice change. The catch is its shift work. I work 7 days straight and then have 7 days off. And my hours are even crazier. For 7 days I do 11pm to 8am. Then a week off. Then 2pm to 11pm for 7 days. Then another week of and it repeats its self.

I have no idea what this would do to ones body clock. I can't image it would be good. But 7 days off out of every 14 sounds to good! So I'm going to give it a try. Has anyone ever done shift work like this? Is it a bad idea or what?

Wish me luck for tomorrow.

posted by div @ 1:18 AM 


Blogger Rammael said...

good luck tomorow div !!

from my understanding various government forces such as Police, Fire, Ambulance do shift works .. from that I would presume it can't be that harmful, maybe even a good idea, as we'd want to keep those guys hale and hearty.

keen to see some pics of the new place !

10:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck dangerous dave.

I'm sure it can't be too hard when you get 7 days to recover. And even then you can just do it until you find another more suitable job.

Cheers Ross

4:28 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

Hey Dave, hope the job goes well - i've never done shift work like that, but our cops have to work 2 days of 6am - 6pm, then 2 days off, then 2 days of 6pm - 6am. that would be worse for your body clock i think. A few years back i applied for a job with flight centre, but they only had a job going at neutral bay, and said i lived too far away to go for the interview, hence why i gave up on the travel agent career path, well, part of the reason... i still dont know what im doing with my life, ahhh....

11:59 AM  
Blogger div said...

does anyone... Thats the fun of life.

10:24 PM  

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