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Monday, December 18, 2006

Did you have a good Christmas party?

Why is it at every xmas work party I've been to everyone always gets absolutely plastered? I had mine on Friday. It was at a Vinyard which was more like a wine bar because I didn't see orchades about. Anyways unlimited beer/wine/spirits from 6pm until close. It was veeeeeeeery messy. And they didn't have any of the standard english beers like stella or fosters. Only fancy imports so I was lovin it.

It's the best chance to catch up on all the company gossip. Who is the bastard of which department etc. And then there are the random get togethers where co-workers have had secret feelings building up over the year who then go ahead and make an arse of them selves and then have the uncomfortable Monday morning.

I guess its only natural that this stuff happens. You spend more time at work then you would with say your family or friends. So there can be a lot of built up tension/feelings. And it doesn't take much for it all to come flowing out. Plus its always very funny seeing your boss completely smashed!

All this happened on Friday and I loved every minute of it! No matter how plastered I get I seem to always remember all of the night. And there where sooooo many funny parts. I had one hell of a horrible hangover though.

posted by div @ 6:26 AM 


Blogger Rammael said...

Unfortunately i DO work with my family, so no work xmas parties for us, we're already spending all day xmas together anyway...

i've only heard good of work xmas parties and would love to get into them at some point !

go div ! the hangovers worth it

12:56 PM  
Blogger div said...

Dude just put a suit and go crash some in the city. It would be soooooooo easy! :)

1:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Work Xmas parties rock!
Had mine at the overseas passanger terminal in circular quay. One of my bosses was dancing around like a madman, and they had an oyster bar. I ate so many oysters!


4:31 PM  

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