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Monday, December 11, 2006

End of Era's

First of all farewell to Club Troppo ... It closed last saturday 9th of December .. or did it ???

A few weeks ago Sara had tipped me off to the club actually closing a week early. Yet due to the continual advertising about the 9th i assumed the club would have to remain open on the 9th... Never-the-less i made sure myself and my girl went up the week before for abit of fun anyway...

Wise decision Jonny, and good sleuthing Sara ! As during the week i received a text message saying that "due to saftey concerns" troppo would not be open on the 9th ... Thus troppo shut a week early, and hoodwinked alot of people.... Had i not signed up my mobile number i would not have know and would have ventured up on the weekend with a large crew of boys ....

I'm wondering just how much damage was done to the Central Coast, as i assume hundreds of like minded gangs of Wogs, Skips, Chinks, etc etc went up there to exploit the local women one last time, to find that their long drive was all for naught .. !

The other Era endeth i speak of is our Netball team !!! Once a way for disgruntled Barrenjoey year 12 members to vent there discontent, now a great way of keeping in contact with the gang (10 points if u can work out where i stole that line from)

Dale, Amanda, Jodi leaving for overseas, plus the retirement of Tom mid-season has meaned it will not be financially viable to continue the team this season. Unless 5 or so people would like to apply for the team ofcourse !!

The team went through a variety of names and players, and won several Premierships and Minor Premierships. Attached here is the Honour roll of players who have participated..

Original Team
Dale Drain
Amanda Drain
Tom Moore
Tim Kerr
Jodi Martin (c)
Andy Bignal
Liz Ulman
Jonny Spicer-Bell

Current Team (as of last season)
Dale Drain
Amanda Drain
Tom Moore
Julia Moore
Anne Marie Johnson
Jonny Spicer-Bell (c)

posted by Rammael @ 12:43 PM 


Blogger Sara said...

So it did end up closing down early, that's so dodgy, and as you say, really unfair to people who are not signed up to troppo go all the way up there for the night.

5:24 PM  
Blogger div said...

Thats a real bummer dude. Netball was really never my thing but any kind of team based game is always good. Is there another option? Football maybe?

Or maybe just hit up the beach/gym more?

7:02 AM  
Blogger Rammael said...

Yeah team-based games are gold, really gives you a good sense of satisfaction and feeling of belonging .... I've prolly got more fond memories of our armies marching together to war as opposed to against each other ...

Anywho, ive been accepted into a new team, so that cool team feeling will live on for me ..


2:16 PM  

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