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Monday, December 04, 2006

Just to re-cap, I was up at Port Stevens fri, sat, then a party in newcastle sat evening, before Club Troppo 2nd Last Nite...

Port Stevens was gold, a quaint little holiday house was the base camp. Spent most of Friday swimming at the beaches, after the long trip up there in the morning ofcourse.Friday nite had an awesome fish n chips meal, people up there are heaps nice, so unlike the cruel villians of sydney haha.

Saturday we trekked out to the Island which can be walked over at low tide. We got there a bit to early and just lied on the beach waiting for the tide to drop. I showed off to Georgie my sand castle making skills, and also my biology skills after finding a huge jellyfish to explain.

Eventually the tide was low enough and we waded over in waist deep water, then walked up the island, it was eerily quiet ... knowing we were the only people on this huge island ... we got to the lighthouse on the other side ... and funnily enough we met this old man there, we took some photos with him, but after checking them today, theres no sign of him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooooooooooooooooooooooooo....

That night we stopped into the nearest Norfolk Safehouse in Newcastle for a few drinks - had some KB Lager, the stuff Reg Reagan made famous .. disgusting .. worst than VB !

Finally we hit Club Troppo .. and then to top it off, just after midnight ... BLACKOUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! power is cut !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

chaos, madness, there was almost a riot as the guards wouldnt let people back down to the main building. So for 1 hour, people milled around, with no drinks, no electricity, no music, few lights, before finally they opened the fire escape doors, and kicked everyone out in the street. By then the humour was lost on us, and we bailed back to Sydney...

I cant wait for next week, hopefully a huge boys night out to troppo can be organised.

View to the Island, with the flooded causeway in between .. for now we wait ..

and Jonny builds a Fort, as I understand it still stands to this day.

F*CK IM SICK OF UPLOADING PHOTOS, and half oif them just dissapeared...

blooger 1, jonny 0, u f*cking c**t

this is me on the dfloor in troppo, just assume u saw the slick ones of us on the liughtouse, the power cutting, the evil fire escape, and the troppo refund queue.

f*ck u blogger for tarnishing my weekend, otherwise all good

posted by Rammael @ 11:38 AM 


Blogger div said...

That Island sounds way cool dude!! Are you allowed to camp? Is it completely empty or do people live on it? How big? Are there any rangers around? Maybe one day in the far away future we can organise a camping expedition. And then setup our own little community like "the island" until we go bonkers.

Sounds like a nightmare of a night at troppo. No wonder its being shut down.

8:14 AM  
Blogger Rammael said...

It'd be possible to camp i assume, it's part of Tomaree National Park, so i assume standard restrictions apply (ie need a permit)

Yeah completely empty, only structure is the automated lighthouse and burnt down cottage. It's pretty huge !

go to then look for Lentara Street, Fingal Bay, then pan due east to see the Island with land joined. I didnt see any rangers.

8:44 AM  
Blogger div said...

I just got an email from Mum who read jono's post/my comment and as it turns out I've already been to this place! When I was 12. We took dan the doodman dan and camped near the water. Then walked over to the island one day. 12 years down the track and I haven't changed a bit. still love my camping!! :)
And best part is my memory sucks so I can re experience it all over again

7:10 AM  

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