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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Its the fish that wikipedia rejects..

..that makes John west, the best.

If that doesn't make much sense, check out this site.

The Wikipedia Knowledge Dump

It's a collection of all the stuff that doesn't get accepted to Wikipedia

Some of its pretty funny.

posted by Fish @ 1:35 AM 


Blogger div said...

how do they know whats been rejected though?

7:52 AM  
Blogger Rammael said...

I imagine the 2 sites know each other .. wiki prolly mails dump the rejects themselves etc etc

some good stuff ! but apparently its not true ????

i often practic lycanothropy with my kynoid side kick "Mega Dog" .. we also train hamster to run mazes, then freeze them, defrost them, and make them run the same maze again and again !

10:57 AM  

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