Monday, February 28, 2005

Machine Gun Fellatio

Everyone buy tickets for Machine gun fellatio at Da MONA for sunday night. Tickets are $25 bucks. Everyone except Glenn that is because he hassled me, the Duke AND FTOWN! Not cool

posted by div @ 7:48 PM  0 comments

Glenn eats wang

Glennman I dont really thing FTOWN was ever actually about "quality" posts, if it was why would you be a member?

And for my LAN its no longer everyone is welcome, its actually anyone that is isn't called Glenn williams. Because Glenns not cool.

posted by div @ 7:43 PM  0 comments

Bruce the donkey.

In a large feild in between even larger mountans lived a donkey named bruce.

Bruce was a very happy donkey because all day he could run around in the sunshine and eat the near endless supply of daffodils that flourished in his little donkey land.

One day bruce was doing exactly this when ... "bang" a large container ship full of wide screen plasma tee vee's fell in the middle of the feild.

Bruce had never seen a container ship full of tv's fall from the sky and pondered to himself how such an event happend .

After a few seconds Bruce realised he did not have the ability of abstract thought and went about his merry way, ignoring the container ship and going back to his daily routine of eating daffodils.

the end.

posted by Fish @ 1:26 PM  0 comments

more like.. dead town

man this is quickly becoming the most boring-est site ever. and i cant talk coz i havent even been to this page let alone post anything in fecking ages.

i mean .. look at lukes post.. what the facjk is he on about. "compact versitle packages" i mean i would rather hear a story about a donkey named bruce.

and then daves double-fisted-attack of "lan" then "no-lan" ... i mean what the hekk? he may have well just said nothing.


posted by Fish @ 1:04 PM  0 comments

Friday, February 25, 2005

no lan

As it turns out Jonno and Jarrod and probably quite a few of you folks are going to paintball on the 5th.

So for now i'll say the lan is for the sat after (12th).

posted by div @ 12:59 PM  0 comments


Hey Guys

I'm going to have a LAN next Sat (5th).

If you want to come please let me know. Its going to rock. Try spread the word to other LANers also. All friends welcome, just no randoms.

We can all watch my 12 year old cousin kick glenns butt (mentally and physically).

LAN starts 9am.

Hope to see you then!


posted by div @ 10:44 AM  0 comments

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I think Louis will be back

he requested leave for the weekend, but needs it to be approved to that he wont be AWOL :) if he makes it i'll have a bbq sat afternoon (he has a party to go to sat night) keep u posted.

posted by Sara @ 6:46 PM  0 comments

Welcome to the Corporate World

Good news. Tegan started her new job yesterday as receptionist for an IT company called D-Bit. They are at North Sydney. They make accounting software I think. Not sure what else to say about this other than

NICE WORK TEGAN!! You will blow them away! :)

posted by div @ 9:52 AM  0 comments

Monday, February 21, 2005

I'm not working tonite!!

So is steak night still on?

posted by Fish @ 12:37 PM  0 comments

Sunday, February 20, 2005

What happpens after Mario Recsues the Princess..

For your viewing pleasure..

posted by Matto @ 11:19 PM  0 comments

it was yesterday..

how'd it go?


posted by Matto @ 11:11 PM  0 comments

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Jelly shots are in the fridge

but what time is Dylans BBbpartyQ?

posted by Sara @ 11:01 AM  0 comments

Friday, February 18, 2005

Crazy times at Dylans

I woke up on a Sat morning in need for some food. So I walked down the shops when I saw this TREAT.

I ait my tasty food then ran into DYLAN. Dylan said to me "HEY DUDE COME TO MY PARTY TONIGHT". I was like OK dude but no need to shout you crazy hippy. Then he kept going on about how he and his two mates went to DOPE WORLD last night. After that he just ran off screaming. It was kinda cool.

On my way home I ran into this AMAZING FENCE. I also noticed some cool art work under the fence but man the fence was AMAZING.

After this I went to Dylan's party. It turned out Dylan had sold his mums house and bought all these "STUPID TENTS. He was all like "possesion is a state of mind man". I didn't know what the dude was talking about.

So we all sat around DRINKING AND HAVING A LOUGH at Dylan's hippy camp site. After a while the crazy hippys started to MAKE LOVE. It was at this point I went home.

REALITY: Ant asked me to post these cool photos. They are Byron NYE holiday. It was a blast!

See you all on Sat night where we make sweet love OWW!

posted by div @ 4:54 PM  0 comments

Nah its all good..

I needed to vent some steam last night... But yes, it's friday. Suppose to be my day off... :)

posted by Matto @ 1:54 PM  0 comments


Ohh No. Mattos gone Mental!

But chear up dude. Tis Friday now!

Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday wednesday break my heart
Thursday doesn't even start
It's friday I'm in love

posted by div @ 9:20 AM  0 comments

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Brown is the new Brown

God dam it.

Have you people been to IKEA yet?

Its insane. People are dying man. Like theres a sale on monday for these pisspoor bookshelves for like 30 bucks. they sell 650 of the bastards in 40 minutes.

No wonder hes a fucking rich man... Hes got the world hooked on junk..

Junk we dont need. Fucking parasites.. The lotta ya... You make me sick..

posted by Matto @ 11:13 PM  0 comments

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

All i can say is

Thunder! Thunder! THUNDER!


posted by Matto @ 8:45 AM  0 comments

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

A Rose for The KING

Happy Valentines day for yesterday everyone, specially the big sexy king!! Owww

God damn work sucks. I cant WAIT for the Dil man's party this weekend. Gona love that tasty chow and beer. Almost over the hump day. Waves fist in air at all freakin days before Friday.

ps. Who broke the site?

posted by div @ 3:47 PM  0 comments

Monday, February 14, 2005

Let me know if ...

anyone is choking/bleeding/burned/poisoned/injured/not breathing or just dying, cause i am now qualified in senior first aid! yeehaa!!!!

How was everyones weekend? Looking forward to Dylans next weekend... might get started on making some jelly shots :)

posted by Sara @ 6:25 PM  0 comments

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Upcoming BBQ *cough*Party*cough*

Hope all your weekends were smashing.
I went to Fox Studios last nite for an RnB HipHop charity event for the tsunami. Pure Awesomeness.
Anyway its Dylans bday party this sat nite, all friends welcome - his mum is only allowing it coz hes labelled it as a "Bbq". l33t sneaky stuff hey. So come along and have fun, call dylan for details, im just the messenger.

Im also organising a Paintball event on the 5th of March, a Saturday. At the Windsor place, let me know asap if anyone is interested.

Over and OUT !

posted by Rammael @ 1:22 PM  0 comments


Howdy all

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

A new "Napster" type leech app is out, but this one uses the Bittorrent technology.

Check it! Exeem

posted by div @ 11:24 AM  0 comments

Friday, February 11, 2005

Mona Wrap Up

So anyway, i went to Mona vale and heres the 411. First of all Ryan Clarke won Air Guitar, state finals in 2 weeks, at mona, advise all to come !! pix should be up on in a few days.

got a bit tipsy, hit up the dance floor ! and then left ! i gave my polish model friend Olla a ride home. Andy's met her. i spent most of the nite talking to girls i know, who all seem to have picked up boyfriends. you know the feeling when your sitting tuning a girl, tis all going good, then one of her hotshot guy friends comes over and steals the limelight for 5 mins ? and you've gotta act all interested, but you just want them to go away so you can start putting some tongue down her throat !
Well i was doing that to couples all nite.

Fack you Mona Vale. Hey am i allowed to swear on this ? better censor it

posted by Rammael @ 9:54 AM  0 comments

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Welcome Rammael

Welcome aboard Jono!

I look forward to many funny and interesting posts!

As for something funny or interesting from me i got nothing. Been a busy and boring week. Whats everyones plans for the weekend? I'm meant to be seeing dad but can't be stuffed missioning up to the mountains.

posted by div @ 2:51 PM  0 comments

Welcome Rammael

this should be an easy guess even for you sticko..

who spends more time at Mona than anyone else we know?

posted by Je5ta @ 11:50 AM  0 comments

Testing .. 1 2 3

hey all, looks like im a member now. Hail El Presidente Glenn. and Andy sux.
Is anyone going or know ppl going to Mona tonite ?

posted by Rammael @ 7:34 AM  0 comments

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Sarp homies..

Man the weather here is brisbane at the moment is beyond a joke. Just think like 40C heat + 85-90% humidity. Sticky as a mother fucker.

Meanwhile ive been out and about going to see a few bands here and there.. Went to the mighty Shihad on thursday. Fuck they were good. I know you all think rock is a bunch of cock at the moment but shihad are still my all time favorite band. Their new gear was very niceeee..

Went to the shins gig on saturday. The shins are fucking cool as well. As Natalie Portman puts it in Garden State '"It'll change your life for sure' Well not really. But hey..

After that was our Dnb fix at RUDEBWOYZ. Which went off! It was packed, the music was great. Some dood was wearing a Leeds united shirt... How crap are leeds.. :)

Speaking of leeds. I got me a new jersey from Lisa for christmas. About a month or so too late but better late than never huh?

posted by Matto @ 10:27 PM  0 comments

Cool a fridge door?

Dood. All you need to do is paint one of these things.

Cranzgots will make millions.

If not hundreds..

posted by Matto @ 10:04 PM  0 comments

Herest Art me!

Yo Stiko.
Yeah for sure, the only thing is the boss just told me he doesnt want it too bright, like no fluros n shit, which i know will dissapoint you, its just that the rest of the place is a pale yellow/cream color and he doesnt want the fridge to be like overpowering, or something.

And he a;lso said he wants it to somehow "fit in" like with the theme.. ie. we have all these like things hanging on the walls like tribal masks and a picture of some east timor tribe etc..

so like no robots and guns.

which i know is a bit of a pain.

maybee some pretty flowers... (and naked ladies!)

0415 584 324 or 99744411 if you are still interested in it.
but if it sounds to much like being told what you can and cant do then its cool.

posted by Fish @ 2:45 PM  0 comments

Monday, February 07, 2005

Steak Night

Small crowd tonight at steak night... where was everyone?

posted by Sara @ 9:25 PM  0 comments


heres why video games are bad for you

posted by Fish @ 3:43 PM  0 comments

World Cup Germany 2006

News just in from the lovely Tegan B:

"Hey guys!

Just wonderin if you wanna buy tickets for a quarter final match now as the
first round of tickets for the world cup are on sale now?

The cheapest are ?55.00 = AUD$92.00 and they are held at: Berlin,
Frankfurt, Gelsenkirchen and Hamburg on the 30.6 or 1.7.

Then later when the draws are done we can buy a ticket for a group match,
say Australia (hopefully). They are like ?35.00 = $59.00.

What do ya think?

Cya later!

I think fuck yeah! See you all in Germany Oww!

posted by div @ 2:14 PM  0 comments

Glenns an alco

No way Glenno Suv was hot! He played heaps of cool jazzy dnb tracks (Matto and Lisa you guys will like this style so go see in Bris if you can)! The locals where average though. Rollers music was just play gay jungle after gay jungle track.

The biggest problem was the place wasn't fully packed out. But there was enough people having fun for the good vibes to rub off on me so I was having a good time. PLUS i won free entry so didn't have to pay $25 woohoo! How someone can sleep at a club I have no idea! Actually I do know, drink for well over 12 hours.

The drive home was funny. Glenn was dead and Tegs was zombified after being awake for 24 hours. The crazy girl was up at 4am for work at the bakery, then went shopping in the city, then a Bday dinner at dee why, then to DNB.

So the only thing I could do to keep my self from falling asleep was sing along to Radiohead. Tegs and Glenno missed a great performance. "Everything bahe b ee e ba an EVERYTHING bab a be ne in the right placeeeeeeeeeee". I'm sure most of you know how Thom York can do that cool thing where he can go from singing a high note straight down to a low note. Well it turns out i cant..

posted by div @ 2:06 PM  0 comments

dj suv

yeah I agree with you (for once) stickman.
sometimes the internationals just don't deliver.
I fell asleep in dj Suv.
on the couch.
could have been coz the beers started at noon.

posted by Fish @ 11:47 AM  0 comments

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Dam stick

you got served?

posted by Matto @ 7:54 PM  0 comments

Saturday, February 05, 2005

A catch up blog

Im sorry for not posting in ages
I've been working and earning wages
I went over my monthly download limit
And didnt want to pay 15c a meg every minute
But now im back to post on fridgetowns pages.

Last thursday I ate at Cranzgots,
I ordered 2 pizzas without maggots,
I was served by King Glenn,
Who was wearing a nice apr-en,
He brought me 2 huge pizzas, I ate lots!

I've started working full time,
And so far its all going fine.
I work at the Kindy,
but there are no kids called Lindy,
And I dont get to sit around drinking wine.

Daves BBQ last week was heaps fun,
It was nice to see almost everyone.
We ate salad and meat,
And went swimming in the heat,
And rode a dolphin around in the sun.

Last week we crowned Glenny the King,
I made him a cool crown and a septor thing
Joey's comments made me mope
As he said Glenn looked like a pope
And the septor looked like a fairy wand with too much bling!

Hows that for a Q-U-A-L-I-T-E-E post!

(not too obsessive i hope)

posted by Sara @ 11:43 AM  0 comments

Friday, February 04, 2005

love u andy

oh yeh! hometime! bring on the weekend!

hugs & kisses go out to andy

posted by Je5ta @ 5:01 PM  0 comments

Mr Sticko

Ahehehe. Sorry kid but thats some funny stuff. Even if it's a little rough! pow

Sorry Ant it's nothing personal dude. Just me and Matt are kinda special. Like matto has the big frizzy crazy hair (well not right now but it will grow back dude dont worry). When i wake up in the morning I get the most killer frizzy crazy bed hair aswell!!
We both managed to buy the same shoe in dif colours even when we dont live in the same state.
Matt likes stuff, I like stuff.
Matts name has an A, so does mine dude, d-A-v-e! See what I mean!!

Geez dude i could go on for ever.

p.s Matt loves it

posted by div @ 12:26 PM  0 comments


Now thats one Q-U-A-L-I-T-E-E post! have too much free time :P

posted by Je5ta @ 10:29 AM  0 comments

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Jobs and stuff

Yo Matto the post below has nothing to do with your good whinge! Stick at it bro. My job sucked big time for like the first 6 months (in fact from mon to wens it still bloody does). It's all good experience which will help you in the future, especially bloody management!! You can take that anywhere bro.

posted by div @ 4:30 PM  0 comments

IT Industry

Heres a handy tip for anyone who is or would like to be working in IT from your pal Div

SMH: Full speed ahead for an IT recovery - An article about the current situation in IT.

For anyone who is interesting in doing a bit of extra study (and one should never stop) but works full time or cant afford to pay for expensive courses. Try teaching your self(Its the best and only way)! Right now I'm slowly studying for various microsoft exams to get certified (fingers crossed). - This is a great torrent site for E-books, videos, Guides, and how-to's. They have stuff for nerds like me or creative dudes like JC, matto, Ant and even the King.

And finally to all those people who said I was stupid to go into IT. A big up yours! Dont worry about the trends. They always go up and down. Just do what you want to do!

posted by div @ 4:11 PM  0 comments

DJ Suv. This Sat. It's Going To Rock This Place BO!

Yeah I kinda think wing it. I entered the comp at sydneyfriction so hopefully I'm going for free.

Anyone else who is interested: (Link) please let me know.

It should be a good night!

posted by div @ 2:43 PM  0 comments

Never challenge the King's authority!

Look dave, we are still here. And its not about quantity of the posts, its about quality,Q-U-A-L-I-T-E-E.
As your king, I (by default) have much more quality posts on this board and raise much, much, deeper issues in the Town-of-Fridge community.

Issues such as land tax, parking fines, and... um .. breadfish?

man that guy must be on crack...

and dave are we still going to SUV this sat? do you reckon we can wing it and get tix on the door? Remember the only sell-outs last year were pendulum, andy c, and shapeshifter.

posted by Fish @ 11:55 AM  0 comments

Matt secretly loves Dave

Ahh well, the secret is out... Or is it?

Matto do you kinda get the feeling that everyone else has left this "town"?

If thats the case can I be king?

And don't worry dude, I won't let the power go to my head. You can still be my bitch!

p.s. matt loves it

posted by div @ 10:26 AM  0 comments

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


man its been one of thode motherfucking days where you dont know what the fuck your doing. As manager, your expect to fix everything in a day. They dont care how, just that you mAke tham money. And lots of it..

Sure you enjoy the money, but ehrn most of it gos to paying off these guys you kinda feel a bit well...

it just shits me.

thank you


posted by Matto @ 9:37 PM  0 comments

yo stick...

Yo sticko

where you aT!|?

lay down dome rhymes for me !!

posted by Matto @ 9:37 PM  0 comments

New IInet Broadband Plans

Woohoo IInet have updated there plans.


posted by div @ 2:11 PM  0 comments

Drum & Bass Tops for 2004

Top 20 Tunes of 2004. Go Pendulum grabbing spots 1, 4, and 20! For those who don't know these guys are Aus and rockit!

Top 10 Dj's of 2004. Pendulum made number 7. Very impressive! :)

Go have a listen.

posted by div @ 11:27 AM  0 comments

The Chaser

The chaser team are no longer going to be publishing there newspaper.

They published the Prime Minister's home phone number on the front page ("John Howard doesn't listen to the people so call him at home on ... ") and were then raided by the Federal Police.

Hehe. I must admit I never actually gave them any money. I hope they keep doing there funny TV shows! I know Chris and Craig are still on the JJJ's. And it looks like they are still going to release articles on there website.

Check out more at the SMH website.

posted by div @ 9:40 AM  0 comments

copyright Fridgetown 2005. eat cheese.