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Friday, February 11, 2005

Mona Wrap Up

So anyway, i went to Mona vale and heres the 411. First of all Ryan Clarke won Air Guitar, state finals in 2 weeks, at mona, advise all to come !! pix should be up on in a few days.

got a bit tipsy, hit up the dance floor ! and then left ! i gave my polish model friend Olla a ride home. Andy's met her. i spent most of the nite talking to girls i know, who all seem to have picked up boyfriends. you know the feeling when your sitting tuning a girl, tis all going good, then one of her hotshot guy friends comes over and steals the limelight for 5 mins ? and you've gotta act all interested, but you just want them to go away so you can start putting some tongue down her throat !
Well i was doing that to couples all nite.

Fack you Mona Vale. Hey am i allowed to swear on this ? better censor it

posted by Rammael @ 9:54 AM 


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