After a very long hiatus, Fridgetown is back! Once a abuse board for disgruntled year 12 barrenjoey High School Students, now a great way of keeping in contact with the gang.

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Saturday, February 05, 2005

A catch up blog

Im sorry for not posting in ages
I've been working and earning wages
I went over my monthly download limit
And didnt want to pay 15c a meg every minute
But now im back to post on fridgetowns pages.

Last thursday I ate at Cranzgots,
I ordered 2 pizzas without maggots,
I was served by King Glenn,
Who was wearing a nice apr-en,
He brought me 2 huge pizzas, I ate lots!

I've started working full time,
And so far its all going fine.
I work at the Kindy,
but there are no kids called Lindy,
And I dont get to sit around drinking wine.

Daves BBQ last week was heaps fun,
It was nice to see almost everyone.
We ate salad and meat,
And went swimming in the heat,
And rode a dolphin around in the sun.

Last week we crowned Glenny the King,
I made him a cool crown and a septor thing
Joey's comments made me mope
As he said Glenn looked like a pope
And the septor looked like a fairy wand with too much bling!

Hows that for a Q-U-A-L-I-T-E-E post!

(not too obsessive i hope)

posted by Sara @ 11:43 AM 


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