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Monday, June 11, 2007
On the weekend I...
Ok... so I intended to write this last weekend, but it was a really really really shitty weekend that I think is best forgotten that included boy-dramas and my grandma passing away. This weekend was slightly better... well, my grandma didn't die twice, but it started with her funeral on Friday. I hate funerals, not just cause they are sad and make me cry (I'd already seen my grandma when she died last week, so the funeral wasn't as sad or difficult as I expected), but funerals consist of: 1. Going to church 2. Seeing the extended family I don't like 3. Seeing lots of sad people 4. Having to listen to a room full of people singing hymns and saying prayers and reciting bible passages Now bible shit is always bad to listen to, but I swear my family picked some of the most ridiculous passages ever written. My cousin read one that went something like this: "There is a time for living, there is a time for not living. There is a time to be happy, there is a time not to be happy. There is a time to be sad, there is a time not to be sad. There is a time for making love, there is a time for not making love..." and it continued like that for at least 5 minutes... You'd think they'd run out of things people can do... Then there was some prayer which made my brother and I start laughing almost hysterically... "If one does not wear clothes then one will be naked" At least my second cousin gay-Johnny didn't sing, if he sang then I would've walked out of the church. I wanted to print up my own eulogy (sp?) pamphlet telling people that praying is a waste of time and insulting, and instead just writing something nice and funny about my grandma, but I was told it would be disrespectful and my aunt got really mad at me :) So that was Friday...
Saturday I was meant to go to Newcastle with Craig for the weekend. Things with Craig and I have this uncanny ability to constantly be cancelled at the last minute, so despite the fact Newcastle had been organised for a couple weeks, I just knew we wouldn't be going. Saturday comes around, and I was at work (I got a job last week at the local newsagency) and a woman came in and said "They've declared a natural disaster zone in Newcastle and they aren't letting cars up there". Of course. Something had to happen. So I got the newspaper off the shelf to check, and sure enough, roads were either collapsed or flooded and no one was allowed through.
So... instead we went to see Pirates of the Caribbean. We intended to see the 3:30pm session at Broadway, and after driving around for nearly an hour and not able to get a parking spot or get into the main parking area, I drove back and went to the cinemas at Burwood (I never even knew where Burwood was before). Of course we just missed a session and had to wait 45 minutes for the next one. Then there was more then half an hour of previews. Then the movie sucked, and went for 3 hours. It was the longest afternoon in the world. Fooking stupid movie, I didn't get home till 8:30pm.
Then I went to the pub and missed $5 cocktail hour by 5 minutes, but managed to get sloshed on very little. Yesterday I wasted the whole day doing nothing instead of studying. So far today I have scrubbed the stove and grill and all the fiddly bits and pieces in order to not study.
Some long weekend... I have exams starting on Thursday, so better get a move on.
What did everyone else do?
oh, and today I am very excited cause I got tickets to see Bob Dylan in August! YAY!
posted by Sara @ 12:47 PM
- said...
I saw shrek 3 on firday at, funnily, enough Broadway. It is hard to get a park there sometimes, so we always go down the sidestreet and use the sneaky enterance. You always get a park coming from that enterance.
Then to bec to Coast at darling harbour for dinner.
Monday, drew the short straw and had to work the public holiday.
- 11:26 AM
- div said...
Sorry to hear about your grandpa. :(
Sounds like quite the crappy weekend! At least you didn't go to Newcastle and die. I saw in the paper they had some really bad storms, quite a few people died and a large boat was sand banked due to rough seas. Sounds scary. Better that they closed down the roads I think...
I also hate funerals. They're always so damn sad.
My weekend was Ok. I worked all weekend but managed to fit in a BBQ on sat.
- 12:55 PM
- Sara said...
Thanks Dave (except it was my grandma) :)
Are you still working crazy hours like when you started, with long long weekends?
Hope you cooked snags on the barbie!
- 9:56 PM
- Rammael said...
Good read Sara, sorry about your Granma, I actually had my Granny's funeral last week as well.
While yours didnt sound to "enjoyable" mine was, short and to the point it was, a small affair. Bible passages were short and relevant. It was moving and everyone shed a tear, and it didnt drag on, only going for say 20-30 minutes perhaps? solemn and respectful, but not to much crapness
thats incredibly ironic about Newcastle, the Gods of Fate must have been like "damn theres no way Craig is going to cancel this time .... so lets WIPE OUT NEWCASTLE"
dont ever have a date at my place please :)
- 10:53 AM
- Sara said...
Hey Spicer - sorry to hear about your Granny :( Hope you are ok. I was probably a little mean about her funeral, it only went for about 30 minutes, but that's way too long for me to sit in a church!
Spicer - I don't get this boy (Craig). One minute he is very interested, then I feel like he's not. That's ok if he's not, I'm happy to move on, but he rings last night at 11pm and says "SO what's going on this weekend, are we doing anything on Sunday" and i replied "Oh, i kind of got the hint you didn't want to do anything..." Him: "No, I want to see you". Geez, wish he'd sort himself out, don't give me hints you're not interested then expect me to suddenly be there! And it's not like he's some seedy guy who is just there for a shag, he's just so bloody naive and immature and just doesn't get it that if you want to see someone, you have to at least act like you are interested for more than one day a week... and I really like him, which SUX cause he drives me crazy and makes me so angry. ARGH. Seriously, just be upfront! I give him the option to not see me anymore and he doesn't take it, so it's kind of like la-la land and I have no idea what's going on. Stupid men. grrrr :P
And yes... fate wiped out Newcastle... let's see if all the restaurants in Balmain will be wiped out on Sunday night... chances are high... Watch out Balmain. And yes, I promise no dates at your house :)
- 8:12 PM
- Sara said...
Ok, so for the record, Balmain did not get wiped out like Newcastle, but the place we wanted to go was closed, so instead we went to Leichardt. There were lots of places open there :)
- 10:03 PM
- Sara said...
And another update. Sara got sick of the shit and the drama and just broke up with Craig.
I really really like him, but he's 27, time to sort himself out.
- 10:08 PM
- Rammael said...
hmmm Sara, thats the beauty of relationships, they dont all go straight into "married couple phase".. i'd expect at least 6 months of umming and urring, hot and colds, but maybe thats just me
at the end of the day everyone is different and should feel free to act however they want i guess, so ignore me haha ! im just generating discussion ;)
- 11:13 AM
- Sara said...
Boys are silly. I don't expect married couple stage, I do, however, expect that when you make plans that they don't continuously get broken. And when you only see each other once a week, don't cop out of it cause you are tired. As far as i'm concerned, that means you're not interested (hence why i broke up with him), so don't bloody go saying that you really like someone and then be a shit. argh.
stupid boys. Seriously though, does that sound unreasonable to you guys?
- 12:31 PM
- div said...
Hey Sarah.
I've no idea as I don't really know the full story but generally I find boys are VERY bad at planning stuff, while girls seems very good at it. So I guess you either put up with us useless bastards or become a lezo.
- 11:51 PM
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