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Monday, February 07, 2005

Glenns an alco

No way Glenno Suv was hot! He played heaps of cool jazzy dnb tracks (Matto and Lisa you guys will like this style so go see in Bris if you can)! The locals where average though. Rollers music was just play gay jungle after gay jungle track.

The biggest problem was the place wasn't fully packed out. But there was enough people having fun for the good vibes to rub off on me so I was having a good time. PLUS i won free entry so didn't have to pay $25 woohoo! How someone can sleep at a club I have no idea! Actually I do know, drink for well over 12 hours.

The drive home was funny. Glenn was dead and Tegs was zombified after being awake for 24 hours. The crazy girl was up at 4am for work at the bakery, then went shopping in the city, then a Bday dinner at dee why, then to DNB.

So the only thing I could do to keep my self from falling asleep was sing along to Radiohead. Tegs and Glenno missed a great performance. "Everything bahe b ee e ba an EVERYTHING bab a be ne in the right placeeeeeeeeeee". I'm sure most of you know how Thom York can do that cool thing where he can go from singing a high note straight down to a low note. Well it turns out i cant..

posted by div @ 2:06 PM 


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