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Saturday, November 11, 2006

not really a stalker...

just a groupie... at least that's what i'm calling myself after people called me a stalker for following Steve Waugh around the Telstra Stadium... I made Elissa follow him with me for about 10-15 minutes, we tagged behind his group, and it was so funny to see the reactions on peoples faces when they recognised him.

oh, U2 were incredible, again!!!!

posted by Sara @ 11:59 PM 


Blogger div said...


Very funny Sara :)

I hope you didn't give him your mobs number. Otherwise dodgy sms's coming your way!

7:49 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

Steve Waugh wouldn't send me a dodgy sms... He walked too fast, I practically had to run to keep up with him, so I didn't even get a photo. But I was pleased to see that he didn't sit in the corporate section or have private box seats, he went in gate A, which meant he was opposite the stadium to me, so my seat was just as good as his (my seat was the best in the house), although I had more fun on Friday when I had a floor ticket.

8:21 AM  
Blogger Rammael said...

sounds gold ! was u2 and kylie on at the same night at homebush ?

by the way whose steve waugh ?

10:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Steve Waugh was captain of the australian cricket team when we won everything in cricket. eg world cups, ashes, world series.

He is a legend. Think of a webcke who guided the broncos to 10 straight grand final wins and 10 state of origin victories. Then you are half way to how good steve waugh is.


11:47 AM  
Blogger Sara said...

Hehehehe, thanks Ross, nice one Spicer :P

Kylie's concert was on last night (sunday night) cause I saw on the news that Bono turned up to sing at her concert. At least he added some style to her concert, boo kylie! U2 played friday, saturday and monday night.

12:27 AM  
Blogger Rammael said...

haha hello ross, you only seem to pop up to have a go at something i say ..

hey do u support the Broncs and the Maroons like i do ?? coz then u would have had a bloody good year.

how you been anyway ? still out at pyrmony wit bec ?

7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things are going good mate...

yep, still at pyrmont with Bec. got a great place on the point in a 3 year old building.

What you been up to champ?

12:52 PM  

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