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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Riding the IT wave

First there was the IT boom when a select few made heaps of money. Then everyone got trained up and flooded the market and there wasn't enough jobs to meet demand. Now they are saying there is a skills shortage! Good news for me :) But for how long...

BBC - Computer industry 'faces crisis'

posted by div @ 10:08 AM 


Blogger Rammael said...

you know what the problem is ?? its all about that professor's name .. "Professor Nigel Shadbolt" ..

i'm trying to think of something funny to add to make this joke complete, but ill just let it die like Britain's UK industry ..

Oh wait that was the joke .. topical humour !!

10:25 AM  
Blogger Rammael said...

blast its meant to say "Britain's IT industry"

10:29 AM  

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