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Saturday, July 29, 2006

Welcome back Berlin

Teags and I joined Glenno in Zurich, Switzerland for 3 days where it was very hot and we pretty much just lazed around the camp site having bbq's. Which is good because when we did head into Zurich town I don't think there was a whole lot of stuff todo. Heaps of great church's, but there seems to be great church's everywhere you go in EU.

After this we proceeded to almost miss our night train from Zurich to Berlin by one minute - that's Swiss rail for you always on time! It wasn't fun running with a big back pack. Luckily the awesome Swiss/German rail had another train leaving 10 mins later which was an express to the next city and we managed to catch up to our night train! Very lucky indeed.

Yesterday we caught up with Luke and Melanie who were also about to go traveling. Then today I'm going to my favourite store in the world, Globetrotter. This is the super store of super stores when it comes to camping! They have everything. Tegan and I had to come back to Berlin to collect some stuff we left at Luke's place, but I secretly just wanted to go back to Globetrotter. And Berlin is a cool city which we didn't get to see enough of last time.

Matt and Lisa did you guys get the post cards Teags and I sent you? I know jono and Sara did. I cant remember who else I've sent one to though??

Here is another blogspot by my frieds Chris and Andrea who are also traveling right now. We met up with them in Hungery for a bit. Check it.

posted by div @ 9:26 PM 


Blogger Fish said...

Put an "http://" in your link dave

11:35 PM  

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