After a very long hiatus, Fridgetown is back! Once a abuse board for disgruntled year 12 barrenjoey High School Students, now a great way of keeping in contact with the gang.

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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Sup Peace Lovin Crew

I hate these bloody internet cafes. Nothing ever works. Again I can't upload photos and it keeps crashing when I try to do anything!!

Anyways Me and Teags are in Geneva Switzerland right now. Today we went to the UN which was very interesting! Though for some reason I think left being even more confused that when I went in. Then after this we went to the Red cross museum which was crapo. Right now I'm enjoying a nice German beer, Swiss chocolate and reading my book. Then tomorrow we go to Zurich to meet up with Glenno again. Hopefully next time I can upload some photos as I have a really phat back cataloge.

posted by div @ 3:47 AM 


Blogger Rammael said...

Claire got back today, i picked her up from the airport at some weird and unfriendly hour.

Cheers for the Rome tip, man i'm really getting into the game, cept so much lag !!! i have 5 mins of gaming, then 10 mins of waiting til something loads. Getting new RAM asap.

11:32 AM  

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