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Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Soccer

I was expecting some big posts in regards to the soccer from you guys? Looks like i'll have to fill in ...

Now I'm not the biggest soccer fan, don't get me wrong I like playing the game. But in terms of watching it it's almost *almost* as boring as cricket (That should generate some discussion from you friendly viewers)

In spite of this I joined in with a group of 10 or so people heading into Circular Key to watch the game. I made the clever decision of driving, a few came with me, a few bussed in.

The city was awesome, I loved the spirit and atmosphere, walking around tipsy with an Australian flag as a cape. Telling all ladies that i've been a soccer fan all my life, and I hate all those people who've just jumped on the soccer bandwagon ;)

Any who, it was pretty difficult to get a good viewing place, so we missed most of the first half, wandering round trying to find a pub still letting people in.

It was surreal, walking back streets of the rocks, in the distance hearing crazily loud roars and cheers.

Eventually we found a 7/11 that had set up a small TV outside and there were about 10 people watching, all from very different walks of life. That was what I liked, all these different people all united as Australians.

I went and got the car, and parked it right next to the TV so we watched the second half from the warmth of the car :)

Then the game ended, as we all know on that sour note .. We had a moments silence, did a U-turn, on the bridge, home.

Verdict - A good nite, inspite of the result and my mixed feelings of soccer, I enjoyed it and would do it again.

Next week: some big parties this weekend, expect pictures and stories

posted by Rammael @ 10:49 AM 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world game spicer. There is none better. We have the asian cup games coming up later this year. Get into it!

3:15 PM  
Blogger div said...

Did you follow any of the other games jono? aus vs cro and aus vs jap was bloody intense and both fantastic games!!

Maybe next winter you can go see some a leage games. I would be not sure when ill be returning..

2:51 AM  

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