After a very long hiatus, Fridgetown is back! Once a abuse board for disgruntled year 12 barrenjoey High School Students, now a great way of keeping in contact with the gang.

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Sunday, April 23, 2006

Fishy One, Fishy Two

I have a fishtank
but my fishies all died
they've all gone to fish heaven
and now my fishtank sits outside

some i flushed down the toilet
but some were much too big
i buried some in the garden
big holes i had to dig

i used to have lots of fishies
discus, angels & neons too
my fishies all had great names
like Feisty, and disco stu

There was mohammed the sharky
and his twin brother ali
white ass the gourami
and neon 1, neon 2, neon 3...

Feisty was my fighting fish
and i wanted to buy him a mate
but if i put a mrs feisty in the fish tank
the mrs he would've ate

yeah... thats enough now... I challenge ye all to write a better poem than I!!!!

posted by Sara @ 4:00 PM 


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