After a very long hiatus, Fridgetown is back! Once a abuse board for disgruntled year 12 barrenjoey High School Students, now a great way of keeping in contact with the gang.

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Sunday, April 23, 2006

Let's keep it moving

So, in order to keep this site interesting, people have to POST MESSAGES here. often. Even if they are random bullshit, i don't care, it's nice to have something to read when i have no emails. So, my rant for today is this: My 2 uni buddies and I organised a night out (last night) with our french class, cause our french class is cool and everyone was keen for a night out. So, i spend all my phone credit sms-ing people the details, i of course expected some people wouldnt make it. We started with 12 people. Some people told me last week they couldnt make it, some people told me 2 days ago they couldnt make it, some gay people told me yesterday arvo they couldnt make it, this is all acceptable to me, i can deal with this. Then, i went to the city with my 2 buddies, rang the only other 2 people we were expecting. first, brent, he waited till i called him to tell me he wasnt coming. bastard. then i rang paul to say that only karessa, sharnie and i were there. he then told me that since "no one was coming, he wouldnt either" what an asshole. i was not impressed. So today my french class suck. oh well, i thought, the night wasnt over yet... so we went to some pubs and drank some really nasty house-sparkling wine, then we were all so tired we went home. on the midnight bus. what a fizzer. now i have lots of uni work to do and i dont want to do it. Someone post something exciting.

posted by Sara @ 12:49 PM 


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