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Sunday, April 23, 2006

Where is Fish?


OK so its not glennman fish ( It's my other new best friends.

A few weeks back our old fish bowl developed a crack in the bottom and water was slowly leaking out. So I came to the rescue fixed up our old tank. I bought some new supplies and a few new little animals and I've got a pretty good little ecosystem going!

Last night I subliminally messaged my new friends to all hang out in my lounge room, and guess what? They all showed!! Sure it wasn't a crazy night with bear drinking. But there was a relaxing vibe going on. It seriously is like meditation!

I have a plant, 4 fish, two snails, and a mussel. Check it! (It's better in real life)

Now I just have to name them.. Any ideas?

posted by div @ 3:04 PM 


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