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Friday, June 01, 2007

Birthdays people

Friends please tell me your birthdays. Yes I am very stupid for not remembering I'm sorry.

I've been playing around with horoscopes and want to check compatibility with friends.

And it would good to know so I can send presents.

posted by div @ 9:22 AM 


Blogger Sara said...

well, presents always gets me excited! (although not necessary!!!)

my birthday is te 17th October.

Go sign up to this thing, it'ss great, they don't spam you, and send you emails when someones birthday is coming up.

11:32 AM  
Blogger div said...

Its amazing how many of my friends are librans.

It's impossible to withstand Libra's charm, so don't even try. You're utterly captivated by this sign's beauty, grace and wit. Granted, your emotions run a lot deeper than those this light-hearted sign. This can sometimes cause misunderstandings between you. It's possible that you'll mistake Libra's casual remarks for sharp rebukes. And since you rarely voice your displeasure, a growing sense of unease can tear the fabric of your friendship apart. If you have a bone to pick with this pal, you're better off saying something straightaway. You can depend on Libra to fairly weigh your complaints. Your differences magically disappear when engaged graceful activities like ice skating or synchronized swimming. Playing the stock market could also be a source of amusement for you both, as can playing low-stakes poker.

11:05 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

Eemember all the intense partying/present buying during 21st season between september and november? It was an insane time. I'm gonna have a big bash for my 25th this year. Who wants to come? Who will make it?

2:45 PM  
Blogger Rammael said...

Mines the 18th of June, Jarrod's is tomorrow ! (the 5th)

10:28 AM  
Blogger div said...

Upbeat Gemini's personality seems in direct contrast to yours. Perhaps that's why you enjoy this friend's company. You have to admit, this sign has a knack for chasing the blues away. Their eternal optimism and youthful spirit reminds you to look at the sunny side of life. Of course, your pal's constant chatter can irritate you, while Gemini is no fan of your moody silences. Still, you're both curious about life and like exploring mysteries together. Swapping mystery novels may be an integral part of your friendship. When it comes time to exercise, you might both enjoy vigorous activities like bike racing. Playing chess or backgammon could also prove engrossing. Writing historical fiction could be another fun way to collaborate.

8:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

31st March

I'm going to rely on facebook to let me know what it is someones bday.

Everyone should get on Facebook


11:18 AM  
Blogger div said...

This friendship is sure to emit sparks from time to time, which is probably why you enjoy it. Aries never shies away from an argument and you're always looking for a sparring partner. And no matter how greatly you differ on controversial matters like religion and politics, you do admire the Ram's inner fire. It's almost as powerful as your own passion for life. If you're going to maintain this friendship, you've got to remember that Aries rarely holds a grudge. If you have a tiff, your pal is likely to forget it an hour later. Resist the urge to harbor a grudge, or it could undermine your bond. Contact sports like football or rugby appeal to you both. Skeet shooting and target practice might also be of interest to you. When it comes to the arts, you would both make mean drummers or piano players.

I love some of the random crap they throw in. Ross lets take up target practice. Sara you and me def have to hit the stock market. And Jono lets start that fiction novel.

12:59 PM  

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