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Friday, May 18, 2007

Farewell Avalon & co

I'm moving to Drummoyne tomorrow. YAY! This will be old news to those of you who read whereisfish, but I'm excited so I'm spreading the word again.

Why you may ask...
Well... I've come to the realisation (it has been a long time coming), that Avalon just aint what it used to be. I miss all you Fridgetown people who are no longer around, and apart from Donovan, I don't see much of anyone else around here. So I turn to my uni friends, but as great they are, they are always poor/working/studying/have plans with old friends, and are therefore never too keen to go for a drink. And they have this terrible habit of cancelling at the last minute. So I tend to hang out with my brother and his mates, but he lives in the Shire, he just bought an appartment in Sutherland, and it's a very long way from Avalon, and it's rare that he comes back to Av, so I don't see much of him either. Also a friend of his asked me out the last time I saw him and I wasn't keen and said no, and have thus been avoiding him since :P

So... The time has come to leave the home and the parents and make some more friends who turn up when things get organised, or possibly organise stuff themselves rather than leaving it up to me all the time. Friends who will join me and get sloshed in the local Irish pub. Friends that will go out with me because they live in the same suburb, or close by. You get the idea.

Where to? Well, I found a teensy winsy appartment on Marlborough Street, 1 block from Victoria Rd and 1 block from the park. I'm moving in with a guy I met online (now that sounds creepy). His name is Ryan and I found him through It was pretty good, he seems really cool, just like me! Seriously though, he looks like someone I would want to be friends with, so I'm off to a good start. And he supports the Manly Sea Eagles. And he has the same sunglasses as me. And he likes cricket. And he's a maths teacher (I intend to teach high school geography for those who don't know). So, so far we have a lot in common :)

I also *shhhh - top secret* (parents don't know yet)... have met a boy. His name is Craig and I like him quite a lot. Conveniently he lives about 50 metres away from my new place in Drummoyne (that is NOT why I am moving to Drummoyne, that was decided long before I met him). That could be a good thing or a bad thing... time will tell... but things are going very well so far.

Other bonuses about Drummoyne:
It is on the bus route to uni, so I don't have to drive every day. Considering I am about to change my degree to environmental management or biophysical environments/geology, I think I should become a little more environmentally friendly, which means Franziskaner (my big, fuel consuming tank of a station wagon) will spend many a day locked in the garage.

So... that's all I have to say for now... possibly a record post on Fridgetown?

Ciao Amigos

posted by Sara @ 9:41 PM 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sara.

You'll be close to me. I'm in pyrmont.


2:50 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

Hey Ross,

Want to come hang at Paddy's pub on Friday night at Drummoyne? It's $5 cocktail night. It will be my first night out in Drummoyne!! yay!

7:18 PM  
Blogger div said...

Hey Sara.

Thats great news about the move! It all sounds very exciting :)

I'll be sure to visit you when I eventually go home. But this won't be for some time by the looks of things. And I guess your no longer going to visit me. As I know how hard it is to save money when your a uni bum and paying the bills etc. Actually I've never been in the situation but I'd image its hard!

Good luck with it all!!

12:27 AM  
Blogger Rammael said...

Wow, good stuff

Degree changing sounds awesome Sara !!! Why for? What jobs are you aiming for ??

Advice I can give about that degree is make sure you specialise, don't make it to broad or you may struggle to get a job.

But i'm sure you've got the degree all worked out anyway :) best of luck and i'd love to hear all about it ! which uni ... etc, well everything !

10:04 AM  

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