Friday, October 27, 2006



9th of Dec .. End of an Era ..

Where will young men go now to have sex ? some guys just cant afford brothels

Its a travesty

On the flipside everyones keen for a CLUB TROPPO - ONE MORE TIME celebration night up there.

On the day i'll post a Troppo memorium and regale everyone with tales, memories, and photos

posted by Rammael @ 4:46 PM  4 comments

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Woohoo surfing the net in my lounge room on the couch with Teags new lappy. I think I'm going to have to kidnap this baby.

Nets been connected at home :)

posted by div @ 3:16 PM  0 comments

Monday, October 23, 2006

Friday nights antics

Weekend was good .. first of all - CHILDREN OF MEN !!!! go see it, go see it now, ive never wanted to join the army/government/something so much in some time. Or commit suicide. great movie anyway.

Friday night I hung around Narrabeen before heading into Bungalow8/Cargo for later festivities. Heres some photos of the "house party" at Narra ...

Yes, it was a money laundering house party.

We've just read Willie Mason has been ruled out of game2, Tri nations !

Have u felt up a cardboard cut out of Lara Croft ? Coz we have.

My memory of this moment is not good .. I was sore all over the next morning tho, and my clothes were stained with lots of red bloody viscious liquid.

It does make me want to see Children of Men again, and join the army.

God Save The Queen.

posted by Rammael @ 10:16 AM  2 comments

Saturday, October 21, 2006


Now that I'm not living at home I find myself having to cook a lot more, and my simple assortment of meals gets boring very fast (mmm baked beans on toast).

Anyways I've been trying to find some online recipe sites and so far this one seems pretty cool. They have heaps of basic stuff. You just tell it what ingredients you have and it suggests a few meals...

Cooking By Numbers

If anyone has any yummy recipies please do send them my way


posted by div @ 1:14 PM  1 comments

blog for the sake of blogging

i agree spicer, more posts are needed on fridgetown. People need to reply to blogs, and im not so into the little comment boxes beneath blogs, id rather a big public blog, makes fridgetown appear more exciting.

so... what do i have to tell today...

went to see Live (the band) with donovan tonight, they were fantastic, except they kept having encores... they had about 5. i think we were sitting in the bogan bay too, that was cool. these bogans were chanting "over kill over kill" which i thought very appropriate as the concert seemed like it was never going to end, even though it was great, the endless encores were totally an over kill, but turns out they were chanting 'overcome' (one of live's songs).

then on the bus home i ran into a very good old friend of mine, steve foster (mrs fosters [barrenjoey maths teacher] son). Was really great to see him as we lost touch about 5 years ago, anyway, i was asking him what the old gang were up to, and asked about leith (my first boyfriend that i was with when i was about 16), and he said "you'll never believe this, but leith is gay now"... actually, i always knew he was gay (at least bi) cause when he moved away many years ago, he cheated on me with a guy called max, but now he is out of the closet, so i feel i can share that with any of you who may remember him, or maybe just might find it funny. i found it funny. especially since steve was smashed and was talking extremely loudly on a crowded bus about leith having 'bum bum sex' :)

posted by Sara @ 3:00 AM  1 comments

Friday, October 20, 2006

My Space's Armies are charging across southern europe

if you have myspace let's network !

if not we need more posts on fridgetown !!!

Div's carrying this team people. and we dont need jackasses like me advertising alternate web blob thingo's

ah what happened to a good old beer at mona.

posted by Rammael @ 12:11 PM  2 comments

Time to upgrade

Check out these graphics for some up and coming games using the new DirectX 10.

Very nice...

posted by div @ 11:15 AM  0 comments


To my lady I say......(click)

And Happy BIRTHDAY!!!!! for yesterday...

Chris's turn. Happy Birthday for today dude!!

Tis birthday season!! woohoo party

posted by div @ 9:52 AM  0 comments

Thursday, October 19, 2006

IT eBooks

IT training books - click and pick a section

posted by div @ 2:24 PM  0 comments

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A few Pics

New house in Stratford. Check out our brand new kitchen!

On my way to work tonight.

Tower of London and Tower bridge. Very nice at night though its not the best shot.

posted by div @ 12:03 PM  0 comments

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

7 O clock in the mornin. on and on and on


Curveball. Hours of entertainment!

-Dave the rave

posted by div @ 4:08 PM  1 comments

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Anyone who loves firefox like me should check out the new Internet Explorer 7. Microsoft have done what they do best yet again and stolen some good ideas. IE7.

posted by div @ 1:00 AM  2 comments

Monday, October 09, 2006

Jon's Night Life

I was bored and hungover on Sunday, so i put together a chart of EVERY PLACE i've been to for the last 3 1/2 years on the Thurs, Fri, Sat night cycles ... !!!

(For the last 3 1/2 years ive kept a Diary of sorts, just by writing up daily adventures on Calenders)

It's all written up in a massive Excel file (Div, can i post a Excel doc here for people to look at ??) and ive been doing some charts and trends ... the big thing i noticed is when i went out with Jodi, there was a crash in goings out .. mona especially suffered (no offence Jodes !)

Here are some facts ...
in 2006 so far I have been to Mona .. 35 times !! Manly 13 times, and only a pitiful 3 times to Club Troppo

in 2005 Mona 17 times, Manly 11 times (girlfriend alert!) .. Moulin Rouge in the X was a dark horse at 2 times.

in 2004 back to glory days, Mona 30 times, Manly 27 times, and one trip to the Castle Hill Tav !

Back in 03-04 Mona could feature in all 3 nights, but now it stays on thurs night if that, thankfully haha

Manly always comes up on Sat nights .. but its not all bad, theres a nice smattering of other places all over the show..

If i can ill post the Excel doc, or maybe just email it round.

posted by Rammael @ 3:36 PM  3 comments

Friday, October 06, 2006


Anyone working or studying behind a firewall and want to use msn/icq but can't because its blocked should try this. Meebo. The only chat client I've found that works for me when behind a firewall.

The new job is going good. I'm currently on a night shift and its 3:25am. I'm in the pattern now of sleep day work night so I'm not tired at all. One good thing is people are online in aus as its the middle of the day, so I've been having a chat with Danman and Jonno. Good to catch up again!

Anyways back to work

posted by div @ 12:27 PM  0 comments

copyright Fridgetown 2005. eat cheese.