After a very long hiatus, Fridgetown is back! Once a abuse board for disgruntled year 12 barrenjoey High School Students, now a great way of keeping in contact with the gang.

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Saturday, October 21, 2006

blog for the sake of blogging

i agree spicer, more posts are needed on fridgetown. People need to reply to blogs, and im not so into the little comment boxes beneath blogs, id rather a big public blog, makes fridgetown appear more exciting.

so... what do i have to tell today...

went to see Live (the band) with donovan tonight, they were fantastic, except they kept having encores... they had about 5. i think we were sitting in the bogan bay too, that was cool. these bogans were chanting "over kill over kill" which i thought very appropriate as the concert seemed like it was never going to end, even though it was great, the endless encores were totally an over kill, but turns out they were chanting 'overcome' (one of live's songs).

then on the bus home i ran into a very good old friend of mine, steve foster (mrs fosters [barrenjoey maths teacher] son). Was really great to see him as we lost touch about 5 years ago, anyway, i was asking him what the old gang were up to, and asked about leith (my first boyfriend that i was with when i was about 16), and he said "you'll never believe this, but leith is gay now"... actually, i always knew he was gay (at least bi) cause when he moved away many years ago, he cheated on me with a guy called max, but now he is out of the closet, so i feel i can share that with any of you who may remember him, or maybe just might find it funny. i found it funny. especially since steve was smashed and was talking extremely loudly on a crowded bus about leith having 'bum bum sex' :)

posted by Sara @ 3:00 AM 


Blogger div said...

Hey Sara!

Sounds like a crazy show..

I liked the email you and Louis sent the other day. Though it was a little confusing?? Sorry I didn't reply. I was busy then with the new job etc. I can't seem to find it in my inbox now though?

Sounds like you guys had fun at the Lowenbrau! Though I still think that place is cheesy. And surprise surprise Germany is nothing like it. And I swear the beer isn't the same also! And it seems to be more a Munich thing where you get the 1L jugs. Not everywhere... Go to Belgium beer cafe instead. All those beers are 100% spot on. Though waaaaaaaaaay over priced!

Say hello to Donovan and Louis for me

Catch ya later!

9:23 AM  

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