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Monday, June 05, 2006

Holland 1-1 Australia

Did anyone get to see the game? How did we go? A good result though a win is always better!

Matto we invited Lachlan Tegan's bro to your Sportal Fantasy world cup. He seems to know his stuff so watch out! I on the otherhand am having a real hard time trying to pick players!!

posted by div @ 3:48 AM 


Blogger Matto said...

Yeah no worries. Tell your bro to invite as meny ppl as you can.

Spain have the easiest group. so Pick 1 midfielder, David ALBELDA looks like he might score a few, and also Raul might kick a few in!

9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do i join the fanatasy cup?


PS just found this page then!

1:52 PM  

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