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Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Click the pictures to enlarge.

Teags and I spent a day at the Keukenholf Gardens in the Netherlands kinda near Amsterdam. Its meant to be the biggest flower garden in the world when for 8 weeks all the flowers go into blossom. We timed that rather well! Mum you would love this place.

One for the ladies

Hello pretty flower!

How romantic!

And then the romance ends... This is in Antwerp in Belgium. Tourists!

More stupid tourists, though a good shot of the street.

Check out those Belgium beers, even Tegan loved them (peach flavoured) and Teags hates beer.

Back at the back packers in Brussels - Belgium, where they had a cool bar, cheesy disco dance floor and Karaoke.

The same night.

Two happy tourists leaving Brussels.

posted by div @ 7:24 PM 


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