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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Free Internet

Well since Copenhagen we have been to a small town called Ribe where we stayed for 3 nights. This place was way cool. It was an old viking town which now has a population of around 3000, which is a lot smaller than any other place we have been to so far. This meant we got to take it easy for 3 days. The place we stayed at was also very nice with our own bedroom, bathroom and communal kitchen facilities.

On the last night we had a tour with the town night watchman. This is a guy who gets to carry around a big stick and tell everyone its 10pm and you should be asleep. We then went for a drink after this with a Canadian dude where we met some local Danish girls who sure did know how to drink! They where funny to talk to and where trying to shout us all drinks. The pub was also very local with no tourists. Just a very small and old pub and everyone was friendly.

After Ribe we went to Malmo in Sweden for a night, and then Goteborg for another night. As I haven't been feeling too well I didnt do to much these nights, mostly just read my book etc. Though we did go see Xmen 2. I was a little disapointed with this one as I loved one and two. I won't go into detail and ruin the plot.

We are in stockholm tonight and this place has free internet, pasta and a sauna (wohhoo).

Funny posts jono. Sounds like you guys are having fun. Getting excited for the world cup yet? Good stuff we beat Greece in the friendly!!

posted by div @ 1:39 AM 


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