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Monday, May 22, 2006

Matto has a nice arse

Traveling around with Tegs and Glenno is like traveling with mice. I have discovered that I eat a hell of a lot more than them. Right now we have a system going where we buy 3 of some thing and then split the cost. This means a meal for them is a snack for me. But alas right now we are staying at a backpackers in Bremen that has a kitchen so we have finally been able to cook some big meals! This means 1 meal for then two meals for me!! :)

Right now we are at Bremen in Germany which for me is known for its hostel that has a kitchen.

Now for two more photos of Hong Kong.

We went to a bar called Aqua Spirit. This place was well classy with a wicked view onto Hong Kong Island, where they have a laser show every night at 8pm.

Now for some photos of Europe, destination Amsterdam.

Shot of a typical street. Its very easy to get lost in this city.

Bike theft seems to be a big problem. There are bikes everywhere but they are all crap. Notice this bike has 3 PHAT bike locks. I think the locks are worth more than the bike.

We hired a canal bike for an hour, where me and Glenn had a good workout and Tegan relaxed in the back. This photo is an example of what happens when Tegan takes control of the rudder (boat steering wheel).

posted by div @ 4:58 AM 


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