After a very long hiatus, Fridgetown is back! Once a abuse board for disgruntled year 12 barrenjoey High School Students, now a great way of keeping in contact with the gang.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Hello Everybody.

Man it has been a while since anybody has updated so I think ill start. To tell you the truth, I bloody forgot about fridgetown.

Well. Its been a pretty full on couple of weeks since I was last in Av. It pretty much came to a bit of a climax when I ended up quitting my job working for Kings.My last day is this Thursday. I was working about 50-60 hours per week for absolute shithouse pay. Well. It wasn't all that shit. But working an extra 20hours for nothing was.

So with that, I have been kicking back for the past 2 days just doing what I do best. Fuck all.

I have yet to look for anything as yet. Im going to start looking for a job after Splendour in the Grass which happens to be on this weekend. Zang!

I cant wait, its going to be awesome.

Well. I hope you are all well and keeping it real.

Hey if you see me on MSN, remind me that we should have a game of Tetrinet or something..

posted by Matto @ 8:16 PM 


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