After a very long hiatus, Fridgetown is back! Once a abuse board for disgruntled year 12 barrenjoey High School Students, now a great way of keeping in contact with the gang.

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Thursday, June 30, 2005

Hey hey

My weekend was not very exciting, i went to the mall to buy a shoe rack... i also came home with a new pair of shoes. They are the very best $30 i ever spent. they are 15cm high platform shoes, pink with rainbow swirls and a big hippy flower. Fantastic stuff! I'll take a picture and post it here soon. Anyhoo, my friend marty from england (whom i met at camp in the US last year) is visiting me this weekend so i was thinking of going out to some pubs in the city saturday night. Anyone like to join us? It'd be great to have a big crowd. Probably go to the lowenbrau, belgian beer, and work our way up george street. i'll call around tomorrow or saturday morning to make some plans.

ciao all!


posted by Sara @ 5:51 PM 


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