After a very long hiatus, Fridgetown is back! Once a abuse board for disgruntled year 12 barrenjoey High School Students, now a great way of keeping in contact with the gang.

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Friday, May 13, 2005

Happy Birthday Matto You Sexy Beast!

I hope you had a nice day... er a few days ago.

Anyways there was a very rough plan for matto and lisa to come down to syd. Then me, glenn and tegs where going to through a bday party. But unfortunately it looks like matto is snowed down under work so he can't make it.

Dude man when do you think you can make it? A party of 3 isn't really that great. If you guys come down we might make 5 and thats just a heap more fun!!

Have a nice weekend everyone!

ps. party at cranzgots tonight. Free pizza and beer ow. Well not really but me and tegs will be there!

posted by div @ 8:00 PM 


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