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Thursday, March 03, 2005

Trouble shoot PC

Yeah sorry i couldn't talk on phone yesterday matto. Was in the middle of something at work.

Let the troubleshooting begin! Unplug any unneeded devices like HD, NIC, sound cards etc and strip it down to bare essentials - this is CPU/MEM/Motherboard/Video and power.

If still no luck then try re-sit the essentials starting with the mem, just take it out and then stick it back in. Ohh and if you have more than one mem chip just start with 1 chip. then maybe try the second chip on its own.

Now try re-sit the vid card. And if still no luck then try re-sit the CPU.

If you have any other spare devices like mem or video cards or power then give these a try also.

Good luck bud!

posted by div @ 9:05 AM 


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