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Monday, January 10, 2005

Weekend of Bliss, good times and general shinanigans

Woo hoo!

God dame! what a weekend.

My time was spent with Glenno and Dave @ Summafielddayze on the gold coast.

Couple of things that need to be assressed for next year:

Dont wear a white hat to a festival unless you wanted it brown.

For that matter by boogers were brown and black at the end of the night.

No bother with bringing titqulela as all you can make are tiquila sunrises. And they didnt go down all too well with the gang.

MAn did we talk some shit.. Especially during Plump Dj's hahahah!!

I think im going to take the car next time. :)

God dam that was a fun day. I got seriously fuckkked up and I had an absolute ball. Thanks to Glenn and Div for coming You are fuking Awesome!

God dam back to work today... fuckit :(

posted by Matto @ 8:38 PM 


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