After a very long hiatus, Fridgetown is back! Once a abuse board for disgruntled year 12 barrenjoey High School Students, now a great way of keeping in contact with the gang.

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Friday, January 14, 2005

Its suppose to be raining..

But there's bugger all on the radar at the moment.

I suppose you are all at the pub at the moment, sipping beer and wine.

Man Ive got a day off tomorrow. Woo Hoo!

Hey I was going to start asking whats doing with some of you peple who I havent seen in a long while..

Je5ta : Dood are you still working in Nth Syd? How is Lou? are you outta home yet?

Andy B : You didnt anwser my question before. See below..

SAnga : What are you doing with yourself these days? Are you still with Dave B. That reminds me, (whats his email so I can invite him)..

Kidman : Man you got that any phat dancefloor bangers bitach@@!!??

Div: You need to post interesting posts before you get interesting posts.. (wow! that was deep!)

posted by Matto @ 9:19 PM 


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