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Sunday, January 23, 2005

I can never think of a title for my blogs...

Agree with Dave, that was a great band at Dyls house last night, the violinist was fantastic. Dont know the bands name, but apparently the bass player is a friend of dylans mum, they work together, so ask dyls, he can find out for you. Lou's party was fun too, although i'm a bit of a pussy and found that 3:00pm was way too early for me to start drinking... Same for Glenny too, i think we were both wasted after 3 beers... I'm blaming it on sitting in the sun, i know im a cheap drunk these days, but 3 beers - now thats just wrong! Was a bit dissapointed mark (glenns cousin) took glenny off to work so early, i really wanted to see if his boss would actually come and pick him up from the party if he was late for work. Anyhoo, hope the cricket is alot of fun, would've loved to make it but didnt want to be tired on my first day at work, ahh, its gonna be hard working full time again after doing casual work for so long. Anyway, glad the rain has eased up and the score is 9/162! Keep me posten on when Glenns crowning ceremony will be - Glenny thinks next weekend, i need some notice though to make him a nice crown :) Btw - nice pic matto!

posted by Sara @ 4:40 PM 


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